Super Seymour saves the planet © Codemasters 1991 Reviewed by: Malc Jennings 2001. The CPC Zone Review Oh dear, looks like Codemasters are after making some extra cash again as they steal the idea of a well known arcade game to make this clone named Super Seymour. The world is infected with giant cans of chemical monsters and burgers that are after killing the world and taking it for themselves. Enter Seymour who now has a new role, no longer is he a celebrity as we know them but a super hero like Superman and heads out to stop the monsters before they kill the entire population. You must destroy the cans scattered around the various locations and kill the monsters before progressing to the next stage but be careful, if they touch you anywere you are dead instantly (not so super then is he!?) If you are wondering which arcade machine Super Seymour gets it's ideas from it the mighty Bomb Jack arcade and in my honest opinion Bomb Jack has got a lot more going for it than this not so good clone. This game is in no way what so ever an original idea by Codemasters and those that have played the Bomb Jack games either on the arcade or home computer will know that this is just a blatant rip off and an attempt to cash in on the much more popular Bomb Jack series of games. The graphics are slightly better than Bomb Jack in terms of the on screen characters and enemies but the backgrounds and colours leave little to write about. Codemasters have used a very dull colour scheme for most of the levels in the game and even our hero is the same colour as the enemy (green! - yuck) they are also very badly designed and frustrating. Sound is actually better in this game than it was in the much more popular and better Seymour adventures because believe it or not Codemasters have actually put some proper sound into the game. You get to hear power-up noises, bangs and more - but this time no in-game music. We do get some kind of music on the title screen so I suppose we can't blame them for not putting it in the game itself. Gameplay is not so good either, when you start the game you expect to get the same type of gameplay as that found in Bomb Jack but you don't. It's four times harder than Bomb Jack, the controls are a little dodgy and your maximum jump height is very limited until you pick up a power-up from one of the enemies. This game is not easy, it's not very original and I feel sorry for anyone that purchased the game as I'm sure they feel sorry for shelling out the money for it - Codemasters should bow their heads in shame.