Fantasy World Dizzy © Codemasters 1989 The CPC Zone Review Codemasters attack again with another non point and click adventure game starring Dizzy the indestructable egg, this is the 3rd Sequel and is known as Fantasy World Dizzy. I don't have the original plot for this game but what I do know is that Dizzy has somehow managed to find another world, one that is even stranger than his own world in which eggs talk to each other and call themselves a family. Anyway, he has been captured in one of the underground lairs and imprisoned by the evil wizard. He can't just walk out of the prison because he is being guarded by a nasty green troll and the cave is infested with nasties. You must get Dizzy out of there and rescue his tiny yolkfolk family from certain death by the evil wizard - a great adventure just like the first. It appears in this version of the Dizzy adventure classics Codemasters have gone for an easier approach as the objects you need to use to complete various stages are located pretty close to were you need to use them, in the first adventure this was not the case. Other improvements include the ability to carry more than one item at a time (a big flaw in the first game) thus making puzzles easier and quicker to get past. The graphics are as good as the first adventure with bright colours were needed and dark colours in the dungeon areas. Dizzy is still a funny colour of green (perhaps he's gone bad?) and the CPC is still the only version of this game to feature a rather off colour egg - the C64 for example had perfect colour all around. Having said that it certainly won't put you off playing the game as the characters you interact with, the enemies you have to get past are very well drawn and look great. Sound is now even better than the first because rather than just being dubbed with a musical score this time we have extra in game noises too, the most noticable is the boing sound when Dizzy jumps and the crack when Dizzy gets killed. The soundtrack is as ever great stuff. Gameplay is as addictive and fun as the original adventure, you take an item and use it somewere else while avoiding the traps. Sure it may sound easy but once you get behind the stick of this game you will notice that all is not as simple as it sounds. If you loved the first and it's sequel then there is nothing here that will make you hate this game, the graphics and sound are as great as ever and the game play has been improved because you can now carry more than one item - this game plays perfectly.