Bigfoot © Codemasters 1988 The CPC Zone Review No it has nothing to do with that cheesy so-called family comedy from the US and it does not contain any of the Henderson family what so ever so if you are hoping for a game starring these people than press the button above to return to our review section. Now for those that are still with us, this game is based on the legend of Bigfoot and how for centuries people have tried to capture the big fat hairy one and make a ton of money on the research. The legendary ape like creature is aware of a party that is forming on the ground above him and that the stupid human ones have laid traps around his underground home in order to capture him, you as Bigfoot must survive all these traps and eat the humans for tea. It's another cartoon like adventure from the masters of code..errm..the CodeMasters :O) here's the zone review for you. Bigfoot is kind of like the Dizzy series only it's gone badly wrong in terms of gameplay and the amount of skill it requires just to clear the first couple of screens (I'm not joking either). You can do all the usual things such as pick up items, drop items and use them when you think they are required but actually getting to the items in the first place can prove a very tricky thing to do. The good thing is that if you manage to get from one end of the screen to the other then your energy is replenished if you stand still long enough. The graphics are up to the usual Codemasters standard and look very cartoony, the colours are dark and dingy but that is the kind of thing you would expect in a game that takes place mainly underground. None of the colours have been overly used when you consider this fact and overall it's pretty great, the only improvement I would have suggested is that Bigfoot is given a few more frames to play with as at the moment he is pretty stiff. The sound is very active indeed, you have all the usual sounds you would expect (fire, water etc) and sounds when you are hurt or worse still die. The only bad thing about the sound is that Codemasters didn't give Bigfoot a title theme which is odd for a CM game, perhaps they ran out of memory when coding or maybe the cassette they used to record the game wasn't long enough or to be more accurate maybe they were just being lazy and decided not to bother. In terms of gameplay Bigfoot has got to be ten times harder than any of the Dizzy series due to the fact that you simply can't get full control over the main character, if you press jump you are not moving a few steps you are moving miles across the screen and usually landing in a fire or trap - very hard indeed.